Enoch Seminar Membership 2023-2025
Annual membership is an important sign of support, sharing and belonging to the Enoch Seminar community, which we warmly ask of all who participate in our activities. It will give you the opportunity, during that year, to claim your status of “Member of the Enoch Seminar” and write it officially on your C.V., participate as a speaker at our events, receive additional information about our activities, and pay reduced meeting registration fees.
Membership is open to professors, lecturers, postdocs, independent scholars, and graduate students, who have received or are actively pursuing graduate studies in the field of Second Temple Judaism, early Judaism, early Christianity, and Islam, and cognate fields, who want to shape the vision, mission, and work of the Enoch Seminar. It must be formally confirmed by the Board of Directors. In our commitment to diversity, we welcome international scholars at different stages in their academic careers, members of different religious, racial, ethnic and geographical backgrounds and sexual orientation, and promote gender parity and opportunities. The Enoch Seminar requires the highest level of professional and ethical behavior, free of all forms of harassment and discrimination, from all its members. Membership can be temporarily suspended or revoked at the request of our Professional Ethics Committee.
The Enoch Seminar is an informal gathering of international scholars, affiliated to the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies, a non-profit organization registered with the State of Michigan. We do not rely upon permanent employees. None of us receives any honorarium as directors, board members, chairs, speakers or respondents. $10,000-$15,000 is what we annually need to sustain our activities (website, webinar, the work of our secretary, small grants). The collected funds are spent exclusively for this purpose and no other purpose. We live and thrive only on the generosity and continuous support of our members. Donations by non-members are also welcome and gladly recognized.
These are the suggested fees for the year 2023 & 2024:
$150+: Donors
$100: Regular Members
$50: Discounted Members (e.g.: graduate students, post-docs, part-time faculty, scholars with low salaries or limited support from their institution, retirees, etc.)
You decide how much you want to contribute, based on your personal situation (no questions asked, no explanations needed). The amount of individual donations is not publicly disclosed and even the smallest contribution ($10 or $20) is gladly received as an important and very welcome sign of support and will count as membership. We would like all our friends to be listed as members, no matter how much they contribute, and leave no one behind.
Membership is required for speakers at all our events. Attendance at online meetings for non-speakers remains open and free of charge.
2023 & 2024 Members:
- == Aa ==
- Frantisek Abel, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia
- Carlos A Garcia Alayon, Notre Dame, USA — *
- Matthew Anderson, Concordia University, Canada
- Anna Angelini, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Daniel Assefa, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia *
- Kenneth Atkinson, University of Northern Iowa, USA*
- Harold Attridge, Yale University, USA
- == Bb ==
- Ashley Bacchi, Starr King School of the Ministry, USA
- Lynne Bahr, Rockhurst University, USA*
- Baker, Krista — ^
- Barber, Michael — ^
- Andreas Bedenbender, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal, Germany
- Jonathan Ben Dov, Tel Aviv University, Israel*
- Stefan Beyerle, Universität Greifswald, Germany [donor]
- Ellen Birnbaum, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Bloomquist, Gregory — ^
- Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, USA (founding director) [donor]*
- Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary, USA
- Mirjam Bokhorst, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany *
- Ra’anan Boustan, Princeton University, USA
- Andrew Bowden, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany*
- Lisa Bowens, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA
- Brumbach, Joshua — *
- Bunnell, Brian — *
- == Cc ==
- Rolex Cailing, Asia Graduate School of Theology, Philippines
- Alberto Camplani, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
- Oana Capatina, Hervard University, USA
- Francesco Capretti, Istituto di Studi Ecumenici “S. Bernardino” (ISE) – Venice, Italy
- Tina (Pertina) Carter, South University, USA
- Rodney Caruthers, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, USA
- Matheus De Carvalho, McGill University, CAD*
- Luca Ceccotti, University of Udine, Italy*
- Esther Chazon, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Carsten Claussen, Theologische Hchscule Elstal, Germany
- Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edward’s University, USA (Vice-Director) [donor]
- Collins, John J. — Yale University, USA
- Coogan, Jeremiah — *
- Costello, Bob (Robert) — University of Aberdeen, Scotland — *
- == Dd ==
- Marianne Dacy, University of Sidney, Australia
- Nora David, University of Szeged, Hungary
- Kindalee De Long, Pepperdine University, USA
- DeVries, Michael — *
- Magdalena Diaz Araujo, National University of La Rioja, Argentina
- Vicente Dobroruka, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
- Donaldson, Terence — ^
- Dyma, Oliver — KSH Munich, Germany
- == Ee ==
- Ehrenkrook, Jason von — University of Massachusetts, USA (Newsletter editor) [donor]*
- Ehrensperger, Kathy — Abraham Geiger Kolleg, Germany [donor]
- Eisenbaum, Pamela — Iliff, USA ^
- == Ff ==
- Forger, Deborah — University of Michigan, USA
- Fraade, Steven — Yale University, USA [donor]
- Franklin, Jerry — USA — *
- Fredriksen, Paula — Boston University emerita, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, USA/Israel [donor]
- Fried, Elizabeth — University of Michigan, USA
- Frish, Rachel — Yale University, USA
- Fröhlich, Ida — Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary
- Frostad, Benjamin — *
- == Gg ==
- Gardner, Gregg — University of British Columbia, Canada [donor]
- Gathergood, Emily — University of Nottingham, UK *^
- Gelardini, Gabriella — Nord University, Norway
- Gieschen, Charles — Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
- Gonthier, Peter — Hope College, USA
- Gore-Jones, Lydia — St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, Australia
- Gurtner, Dan — Gateway Seminary
- Grabbe, Lester — University of Hull, England [donor]
- Grossman, Maxine L. — Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland, USA [
- Gruen, Erich — *
- Grunow, Scott — University of Illinois Chicago, USA
- == Hh ==
- Hall, Bob — Hampden-Sydney College, USA [donor]
- Hantman, Stuart — USA
- Harkins, Angela — Boston College School of Theology, USA
- Harris, Rebecca — Messiah University, USA — ^
- Harvey, Richard — ^
- Hawk, Brandon — Rhode Island College, USA
- Hedland, Christian — Lighthouse Community Church, USA — ^
- Henning, Meghan — University of Dayton, USA
- Henze, Matthias — Rice University, USA [donor] *
- Heschel, Susannah — Dartmouth College, USA
- Hewitt, J. Thomas — University of Aberdeen, Scotland*
- Hogan, Karina — Fordham University, USA
- Hügel, Karin — University of Amsterdam, NL*
- Hunt, Laura — University of Wales, Trinity St. David, UK*
- Hylen, Susan — Candler School of Theology, USA
- == Ii ==
- Iqbal, Farhan — University of Ottawa, CAD — *
- Irwin, Luke — Covenant College, USA
- == Jj ==
- Jackson-McCabe, Matt — ^
- Jacobus, Helen — ^
- Juhás, Peter — Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung, WWU Münster, Germany
- == Kk ==
- Kaiser, Christopher — Western Theological Seminary, USA *^
- Kampen, John– Methodist Theological School in Ohio, USA
- Kaplan, Jonathan — University of Texas at Austin, USA — *
- Kateusz, Ally — Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research, USA — *
- Kayley, Daniel — ^
- Hyun Kim, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, USA
- Kim, Paul — ^
- Karen L. King, Harvard Divinity School, USA
- Mark Kinzer, President Emeritus of Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, USA*
- Korner, Ralph — ^
- == Ll ==
- Xavier Lafontaine, Le Havre Normandy University, France
- Ryan Lambert, USA
- Max Leventhal, University of Cambridge, England, UK
- Kristi Lee, University of Minnesota, USA*
- Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt University, USA
- Liv Ingeborg Lied, Norwegian School of Theology, Norway
- Bill Loader, Murdoch University, Australia
- Geert Lorein, ETF Leuven, Belgium*
- Jared Ludnow, Brigham Young University, USA
- == Mm ==
- Macinskas, Leah — Graduate Theological Union, USA — *
- MacDonald, Carlo — Boston University, USA — *
- Machiela, Daniel — University of Notre Dame, USA
- Malroy, Jeshua — ^
- Mariotti, Giulio — Florence School of Theology, Italy
- Iñaki Marro Sánchez, Facultad de Teologia de la Calalunya, Catalonia, Spain
- Martens, John — ^
- Corrado Martone, University of Turin, Italy
- Luca Marulli, Université de Strasbourg, Italy*
- Eric Mason, Judson University, USA
- Pamela Mathy, Oblate School of Theology, USA*
- Joshua Matson, Brigham Young University, USA
- Gavin McDowell, Princeton University, USA*
- McGrath, James F. — Butler University, USA [donor] *
- Timothy McNutt, Northern Seminary, USA
- McWhirter, Jocelyn — Albion College, USA *^
- Mendez, Hugo — ^
- Miller, Yonatan — ^
- Minisini, Daniele — University of Rome, Italy ^
- Alastair Moodie, USA ^
- Dorota Muszytowska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Poland*
- == Nn ==
- Nanos, Mark — University of Kansas, USA^
- Neubert, Luke — Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
- Noffke, Eric — Waldensian School of Theology, Rome, Italy
- == Oo ==
- Olson, Daniel C. — St. Mary’s College, Oraga, CA, USA
- == Pp ==
- Packer, Charles — ^
- Oliver Parkes, University of Cambridge, England, UK
- Sara Parks, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Parmelli, Claudio — *
- Vicki Pedersen, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA
- Luca Pedroli, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy *
- Pogonowski, Jakub — University of Warsaw, Poland*
- Pouchelle, Patrick — Centre Sèvres – Paris, France
- Pruszinski, Jolyon — Princeton University, USA — *
- == Rr ==
- Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, University of Cambridge, UK — *
- Ready, Geoffrey — *
- Marlene Reid, University of Aberdeen, Scotland — *
- Adele Reinhartz, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Megan R. Remington, University of California Los Angeles, USA
- Benjamin E. Reynolds, Tyndale University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Jean Michel Roessli, Concordia University Montreal, Canada
- Rosner, Jen — ^
- Anders Runesson, University of Oslo, Norway
- == Ss ==
- Sandoval, Paul — *
- Mohammed Sarhan, Ain Shams University, Egypt
- Schuller, Eileen — McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada — *^
- Lawrence Schiffman, New York University, USA
- Joshua Scott, Augsburg University, USA (secretary) [donor] — *
- Vittorio Secco — Facoltà Valdese di Teologia, Italy — *
- Settle, Sally — ^
- Josef Sievers — Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy — *
- Andy Simons, USA
- Daniel Smith, Whitman College, USA
- Joshua Smith, University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology, USA
- Cynthia Sowers, University of Michigan, USA — *
- Standhertinger, Angela — University of Marburg, Germany — *^
- Staples, Jason — North Carolina State University, USA — *
- Gary A. Staszak, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Wales, UK — *
- Stuckenbruck, Loren — University of Munich, Germany (Vice-Director) — *
- == Tt ==
- Tamási, Balázs — University of Jewish Studies, Hungary
- Taps, Karl M. — Union Theological Seminary, USA — *
- Trupbergenov, Abay — St. Petersburg University, Kazakhstan
- Tsirogiannis, Helen — Cambridge University, England, UK
- == Vv ==
- VanderKam, James — University of Notre Dame, USA
- Verghese, John — *
- Verrecchia, Jean-Claude — ^
- Voo, Samuel — Vancouver School of Theology, Canada
- == Ww ==
- Waller, Andrew — *
- Wassen, Cecilia — Uppsala University, Sweden
- Wheeler, Frank — York University, USA*
- Williams, Catrin — University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Wales, UK ^
- Willis, Lawrence ^
- Wold, Benjamin — University of Dublin, Ireland
- Wright, Archie T. — Catholic Biblical Association, USA
- Wright, Benjamin — Lehigh University, USA
- Wyse-Rhodes, Jackie — Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminar, USA
- == Zz ==
- Zetterholm, Karin — Lund University, Sweden *
- Zevit, Ziony — American Jewish University, USA
- Gabriella Nangeroni, Milan, Italy (Nangeroni Foundation) [donor]
- Jim Lepkowski, University of Michigan, USA (Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies, Director)
- Aloma Bardi, MCECS Board of Directors, USA
- John Brent, MCECS Board of Directors, USA
- Scott Hanoian, MCECS Board of Directors, USA
- Richard Steiner, MCECS Board of Directors, USA
- Jayne VerLee, MCECS Board of Directors, USA
- Abulaziz Mohammed Alareedh, Quwait
- Jarrett Cain, USA
- Linda Simmons, USA
- Blake Wider, USA
- Phil Palmer, USA
- John Ben-Daniel, Independent Scholar, Israel
- Carlo MacDonald, USA
- Paolo Bonetto, Italy*
- Paolo Sacchi
- Robert Kraft
- George Nickelsburg
- Michael Knibb
- Michael Stone
- Devorah Dimant
- James H. Charlesworth
- Albert Baumgarten
- Lester Grabbe
- Hanan Eshel (1950-2010)
- Shemaryahu Talmon (1920-2010)
- Harold Ellens (1932-2018)
- Larry Hurtado (1943-2019)
- Klaus Koch (1926-2019)
- Geza Xeravits (1971-2019)
- Michael Bonner (1952-2019)
- Bilhah Nitzan (1933-2022)
- Robert Kraft (1934-2023)
- Michael Knibb (1938-2023)
- Paolo Sacchi (1930-2024)