Chair: Loren Stuckenbruck, University of Munich, Germany; Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, USA; Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, USA.
Secretary: Joshua Scott, Augsburg University, USA
In 2013, at Camaldoli, we explored the influences of Enochic literature and traditions on the Synoptic Gospels. The aim of the 13th. Enoch Seminar is to go beyond the Synoptics to deal with the complex of early Christian literature up to the 2nd century. Citation, allusions, and re-elaboration of common themes in the Pauline and Johannine traditions as well as in other works of early Christianity up to and including the early Church Fathers. As usual, all papers will circulate in advance and will not be read by the writers. The time given will be devoted primarily to discussion.
A few papers may be commissioned, but we would like to offer the opportunity to all members and friends of the Enoch Seminar and all international specialists to participate and present their work in person (or online). Proposals, including title and abstract (around 300 words), shall be submitted to the secretary Joshua Scott <> by Sept 15th, 2024.