The Dead Sea Scrolls offer a window onto the rich religious landscape of Judaism in the Second Temple period. Many of the scrolls address fundamental theological issues. This symposium will address aspects of the religious thought reflected in the texts of the Judean Desert in their wider religious context. Comparison with other ancient writings affords the opportunity to refine our understanding. Papers will carefully analyze specific texts and deal with broader themes and topics that shed new light on the worldviews, beliefs, and forms of religious experience reflected in the Scrolls. The symposium will give a rare opportunity for leading scholars in the field to collaborate in the examination of this central area.

For more information, see

Dr. Jonathan Ben-Dov, University of Haifa
“Living Biblically at Qumran: Continuity or Innovation?”

Prof. John J. Collins, Yale University
“Dualism and Covenant in the Dead Sea Scrolls”

Prof. Devorah Dimant, University of Haifa
“Covering and Uncovering in Polemics of the Qumran Community”

Prof. Beate Ego, Ruhr University of Bochum
“The Concept of Heaven in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Some Main Aspects”

Prof. Jörg Frey, University of Zurich, Switzerland
“The Notion of the Spirit in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other Jewish and Christian Texts”

Dr. Charlotte Hempel, University of Birmingham
“Religious Worldviews in the Serekh Tradition”

Prof. Menahem Kister, Hebrew University
“The Root NDB in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Lexicography, Biblical Exegesis, Textual Transmission, and Religious Conceptions”

Prof. Hermann Lichtenberger, University of Tübingen
“The Divine Name in the Dead Sea Scrolls”

Dr. Noam Mizrahi, Tel Aviv University
“God, gods, and godhood in the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice”

Prof. Carol A. Newsom, Emory University
“Determinism, Knowledge, and Moral Agency in the Hodayot”

Prof. Mladen Popovic, University of Groningen
“Communion with the Heavenly World and Divine Assistance in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Second Temple Judaism”

Dr. Michael Segal, Hebrew University
“The Divine Figure in Daniel 7 and 4Q246 ”

Prof. Loren Stuckenbruck, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
“‘Apocalyptic’ in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature”

Prof. Cana Werman, Ben Gurion University
“Two Creations, One Nation: Election and Covenants in the Dead Sea Scrolls”