Use, misuse, appropriation, citation, allusion, inspiration—how do we characterize the manifold images, paraphrases, and quotations of the Jewish Scriptures that pervade the New Testament? Over the past few decades, scholars have tackled the question with a variety of methodologies. New Testament authors were part of a broader landscape of Jewish readers interpreting Scripture. Recent studies have sought to understand the various compositional techniques of the early Christians who composed the New Testament in this context and on the authors’ own terms.
In this landmark collection of essays, Matthias Henze and David Lincicum marshal an international group of renowned scholars to analyze the New Testament, text-by-text, aiming to better understand what roles Israel’s Scriptures play therein. In addition to explicating each book, the essayists also cut across texts to chart the most important central concepts, such as the messiah, covenants, and the end times.
Join the Enoch Seminar virtually from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, 25 September, for a dialogue about the use of Israel’s scriptures in the New Testament. Kelley Coblentz Bautch will interview Matthias Henze and David Lincicum, who will be joined by Cecilia Wassen (Uppsala University), Paula Fredriksen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and Jens Herzer (University of Leipzig).
The book is available for purchase here:
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