Within Judaism? Within Second Temple Judaism?
Is the NT a corpus of “Jewish” texts?
9:00am-5:00pm ET, January 7, 2025
The Symposium is an opportunity to convene all international specialists who have been working or are interested in this new Perspective. The goal is to discuss, theoretically and in practical terms, what are the challenges and implications of reading the New Testament as a collection of “Jewish” text, starting from the question of how we define an ancient text as a “Jewish” text and when it ceases (if it ceases) to be such. As is typical of all Enoch Seminar meetings, ample time will be dedicated to discussion and exchange of ideas among the participating scholars.
The symposium is an open forum. We are inviting not only scholars who are committed to the “within-Judaism” Perspective but also specialists in Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament who can constructively express caveats and suggestions and raise interesting questions about the “Jewishness” of NT Texts.
8:45am (EST) – Welcome
9am-9:20am – Introduction to the Topic (Gabriele Boccaccini)
9:20am-11:15am – (1) “What Does within Judaism Mean? Why Does It Matter?”
* Paula Fredriksen
* Karin Zetterholm
* Magnus Zetterholm,
* John Barclay
* Anders Runesson
* Kathy Ehrensperger
11:30am-1:55pm : (2) “What Are the Implications of the WJP for the Study of the New Testament? And What Are the Implications of the Study of the New Testament for the WJP?”
* Amy Jill Levine
* Adele Reinhartz
* Paul Anderson
* Matthew Thiessen
* Isaac Oliver
* Craig M. Morrison
* Deborah Forger
* Pierluigi Piovanelli
3-4:55pm : (3) “What Are the Implications of the WJP for the Study of Second Temple Judaism? And What Are the Implications of the Study of Second Temple Judaism for the WJP?
* Rodney Caruthers
* John Collins
* Loren Stuckenbruck
* Jason Staples
* Nora David
* Rebecca Wollenberg
* Jonathan Kaplan
Zoom Registration: https://tinyurl.com/NTwithinJudaism