Studies in Second Temple Judaism
and Christian Origins
Lausanne, Switzerland, July 26-29, 2018
Université de Lausanne

The Seventh Enoch Graduate Seminar will be held July 26th–29th in Lausanne, Switzerland at the Université de Lausanne. David Hamidovic (Professor of Jewish apocryphal literature and History of Judaism in Antiquity) will serve as host and Chair of the seminar.
The Enoch Graduate Seminar is an international convening of doctoral students where the goal is to share innovative research ideas in a collegial environment. Participants will gather for three days to present and discuss papers on a variety of topics related to their field of research. Each participant is expected to read the papers beforehand for maximum conversational engagement. Individual sessions will be held daily where each presenter will have the opportunity to share his/her research and receive constructive and supportive feedback.
The seminar welcomes doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers to present papers and participate in general discussion. Participants from various fields related to and including Hebrew Bible, Pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha, Qumran Scrolls, as well as Christian and Rabbinic literature are invited to attend.
Proposals for papers (500-1,000 words) should be submitted by February 16th, 2018. Completed papers (maximum 6,000 words) are due May 30, 2018 for review by the seminar committee. Completed papers will be made available in advance for all participants to read before the first day of the seminar.
In addition to paper presentations by participants, there will also be keynote addresses offered by Thomas Römer on Hebrew Bible, David Hamidovic on Apocryphal Literature, and Jörg Frey on the New Testament as well as a panel discussion led by other distinguished faculty members.
Lodging for the seminar will be provided by the Université de Lausanne at no additional expense to participants. Please contact the Secretary of the seminar, Rodney Caruthers (, for registration details and submission of proposals and papers.