Enoch and the Mosaic Torah: The Evidence of Jubilees

Chair: Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, USA
The success of the new format and the friendly atmosphere of the Foresteria of the Monastery of Camaldoli convinced the organizers to repeat the experience at the same location with a larger group of participants.
The Fourth Enoch Seminar was organized by the University of Michigan (Dept. of Near Eastern Studies) and the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies, in collaboration with the Camaldoli Order, the University of Bologna (Ravenna Campus), the Jewish Community of Florence, and the Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana of Ravenna. It focused on the interaction between Mosaic and Enochic traditions in Second Temple Judaism and on the synthesis between them in the Book of Jubilees.
28 papers (and 23 short papers) circulated in advance and were discussed at the conference in plenary sessions and five discussion groups, at the introduction of 6 respondents. In attendance were 84 scholars from 17 countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Vatican). Among the newcomers: Betsy Halpern Amaru, Darrell Bock, Calum Carmichael, Gene Davenport, Lutz Doering, David Jackson, Grant Macaskill, Bilhah Nitzan, Eyal Regev, Michael Segal, Joseph Sievers, and Azzan Yadin.
The last day of the Seminar was held in nearby Ravenna at the invitation of Mauro Perani (University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus), President of the European Association for Jewish Studies.
The Proceedings were published by Eerdmans in 2009 [Enoch and the Mosaic Torah: The Evidence of the Book of Jubilees, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini and Giovanni Ibba]. The short papers appeared in a special issue of the journal Henoch [Enoch and Jubilees: Short Papers from the Fourth Enoch Seminar, ed. Pierpaolo Bertalotto and Todd Hanneken, Henoch 31.1, 2009].

- Betsy Halpern Amaru, emeritus, Vassar College, USA
- Luca Arcari, University of Naples, Italy
- Daniel Assefa, Ethiopia, France
- Christophe Batsch, University of Lille, France
- Albert I. Baumgarten, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edward’s University, USA
- Andreas Bedenbender, Humboldt University, Germany
- Jonathan Ben-Dov, University of Haifa, Israel
- Daniel Stökl Ben-Ezra, CNRS, France
- John Bergsma, Franciscan University of Steubenville, USA
- Christoph Berner, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
- Pierpaolo Bertalotto, Rice University, USA
- Katell Berthelot, CNRS, France
- Siam Bhayro, University of Cambridge, England
- Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, USA
- Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary, USA
- Gianantonio Borgonovo, Catholic University Milan, Italy
- Daniel Boyarin, University of California at Berkeley, USA
- James H. Charlesworth, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA
- Calum Carmichael, Cornell University, USA
- Esther Chazon, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Michael Daise, William and Mary College, USA
- Gene Davenport, Lambuth University, USA
- Michael Davis, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA
- Marcello Del Verme, University of Naples, Italy
- Karoly Dobos, Catholic University Budapest, Hungary
- Lutz Doering, King’s College London, England
- Henryk Drawnel, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
- Torleif Elgvin, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Norway
- John Endres, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, USA
- Esther Eshel, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Hanan Eshel, (1958-2010), Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Daniel K. Falk, University of Oregon, USA
- Crispin Fletcher-Louis, St Mary’s London, England
- Ida Fröhlich, Catholic University of Budapest, Hungary
- Claudio Gianotto, University of Turin, Italy
- Charles Gieschen, Concordia College, USA
- William Gilders, Emory University, USA
- Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull, England
- Maxine Grossman, University of Maryland, USA
- Matthias Henze, Rice University, USA
- Martha Himmelfarb, Princeton University, USA
- Jamal-Dominique Hopkins, Crichton College, USA
- Giovanni Ibba, Central Italy Theological Seminary, Italy
- Jutta Jokiranta, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Robert Kraft, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Helge S. Kvanvig, University of Oslo, Norway
- Erik W. Larson, Florida International University, USA
- William Loader, Murdoch University, Australia
- Grant Macaskill, St Andrews University, Scotland
- Luca Mazzinghi, Central Italy Theological Seminary, Italy
- Hindy Najman, University of Toronto, Canada
- George W.E. Nickelsburg, emeritus, University of Iowa, USA
- Bilhah Nitzan, emeritus, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
- Eric Noffke, Rome, Italy
- Daniel Olson, ,
- Andrei A. Orlov, Marquette University, USA
- Dorothy Peters, Trinity Western University, Canada
- Anders Klostergaard Petersen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
- Stephen Pfann, University of the Holy Land, Israel
- Claire Pfann, University of the Holy Land, Israel
- Pierluigi Piovanelli, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Annette Y. Reed, McMaster University, Canada
- Eyal Regev, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Jacques van Ruiten, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- Paolo Sacchi, emeritus, University of Turin, Italy
- Stephane Saulnier, Newman Theological College Edmonton, Canada
- Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University, USA
- James Scott, Trinity Western University, Canada
- Michael Segal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Aharon Shemesh, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Joseph Sievers, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Vatican
- David W. Suter, Saint Martin’s College, USA
- Shemaryahu Talmon, (1920-2010), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Sam Thomas, California Lutheran University, USA
- Cristiana Tretti, Milan, Italy
- James C. VanderKam, Notre Dame University, USA
- Pieter M. Venter, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Benjamin Wold, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Benjamin G. Wright, Lehigh University, USA
- Azzan Yadin, Rutgers University, USA
- Rav Joseph Levi, Florence Jewish Community, Italy
- Mauro Perani, University of Bologna, Italy
- Ralph Williams, University of Michigan, USA
- J. Harold Ellens, University of Michigan, USA
- Todd R. Hanneken, University of Notre Dame, USA