The 62nd Meeting of the Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense on “Paul’s Graeco-Roman Context” will be held in Leuven, Belgium (July 16-18, 2013).

Tuesday, July 16
09:00-10:00 Kleine Aula – Aula Minor
Cilliers BREYTENBACH (Berlin)
Presidential Address:
Die Briefe des Paulus. Kreuzpunkt griechisch-römischer Traditionen
10:00 Group Picture (Steps of Pope’s College)
10:00-10:30 Coffee (Pope’s College Dining Room)
10:30-11:30 Kleine Aula – Aula Minor
Marie-Françoise BASLEZ (Paris)
Voyages et réseaux pauliniens. L’Apôtre des Nations: un «médiateur culturel»?
11:30-12:50 Seminars (Part 1)
Nederlands: room MTC 01.15
Johan THOM (Stellenbosch)
Paulus en de populaire filosofie
English: room MTC 02.07
James R. HARRISON (Sydney College of Divinity)
Paul and Ancient Civic Ethics:
Redefining the Canons of Honour in the Graeco-Roman World
Français: room MTC 00.12
Michel QUESNEL(Lyon)
Le contexte gréco-romain des séjours de Paul à Corinthe: La place des femmes dans l’assemblée
Deutsch: room MTC 02.13
Christine GERBER (Hamburg)
Καυχᾶσθαι δεῖ, οὐ συμφέρον μέν (2 Kor 12,1).
Selbstlob bei Paulus vor dem Hintergrund der antiken Gepflogenheiten
13:00 Lunch (Pope’s College Dining Room)
14:30-16:00 Offered papers (Part 1)
Parallel Session 1: room MTC 01.15
Parallel Session 2: room MTC 02.07
Parallel Session 3: room MTC 00.12
Parallel Session 4: room MTC 02.13
(for details see the schedule and the abstracts in the conference folder)
16:00-16:30 Coffee (Pope’s College Dining Room)
16:30-17:30 Kleine Aula – Aula Minor
David KONSTAN (New York)
Regret, Repentance, and Change of Heart in Paul:
Metanoia in its Greek Context
Samuel BYSKORG (Lund)
Adam, Eve and Medea: Revisiting Romans 7

18:30-19:00 Panel Discussion
19:00 Dinner (Pope’s College Dining Room)

Wednesday, July 17
09:00-10:00 Kleine Aula – Aula Minor
Claude COULOT (Strasbourg)
La premičre lettre aux Thessaloniciens ŕ la lumičre du monde gréco-romain
10:00-11:00 Antonio PITTA(Pontificia Universitŕ Lateranum)
Aristotle’s Poetics and Hermeneutics of Romans 7:7-25
11:00-11:30 Coffee (Pope’s College Dining Room)
11:30-12:50 Seminars (Part 2)
Nederlands: room MTC 01.15
English: room MTC 02.07
Français: room MTC 00.12
Deutsch: room MTC 02.13
13:00 Lunch (Pope’s College Dining Room)
15:30-16:00 Coffee (Pope’s College Dining Room)
16:00-17:30 Offered papers (Part 2)
Parallel Session 1: room MTC 01.15
Parallel Session 2: room MTC 02.07
Parallel Session 3: room MTC 00.12
Parallel Session 4: room MTC 02.13
(for details see the schedule and the abstracts in the conference folder)
Kleine Aula – Aula Minor
Michael WOLTER (Bonn)
Das Proömium des Römerbriefs und das hellenistische Freundschaftsethos

18:30-19:00 Panel Discussion
19:15 Banquet (Pope’s College Dining Room)

Thursday, July 18
8:30-9:30 Kleine Aula – Aula Minor

Reinhard VON BENDEMANN (Bochum)
Körperkonzeptionen im Corpus Paulinum im

Licht der hellenistisch-römischen Medizin

9:30-10:30 John FITZGERALD (Notre Dame)
Paul and the Problem of Intoxication
10:30-11:00 Coffee (Pope’s College Dining Room)
11:00-12:00 Kleine Aula – Aula Minor

Reimund BIERINGER (Leuven)
«Non seulement en ma présence, mais bien plus maintenant, en mon absence» (Phil 2,12):
Constructions de la présence et de l’absence dans les épîtres pauliniennes
et dans le monde des Romains et des Grecs

12:00-12:30 Panel discussion
12:30-13:00 Closing Session (including the short reports of the seminars)
13:00 Lunch (Pope’s College Dining Room)