The 9th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) was held at the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston, MA (December 18-20, 1977).
The conference included a session on Judaism in Late Antiquity, chaired by Baruch M. Bokser.
Session III, Section A: Scriptural Exegesis in Late Antiquity
Chairman: Baruch M. Bokser (University of California-Berkek
Organizer: David A. Altshuler (George Washington University)
~ The Constitution of Moses ā Law and Apologia in Josephus’ Antiquities
David A. Altshuler (George Washington University)
~ Towards a Critical Edition of Midrash Pesikta Rabba
Norman J. Cohen (Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)
~ The Betrayal, by Judas Iscariot ā An Example of Christian Typological Exegesis
Michael J. Cook (Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)
~ The Structure and Function of Cosmography in Shemot Rabbah
Richard D. Hecht (University of California, Santa B
~ R. Yohanan and the Claims of Christianity
Reuven Kimelman (Brandeis University)
~ Manuscript and Midrash – Observations on Genesis 1:
Jonathan P. Siegel (University of Maryland)